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There are two types of impotence. Impotence is often understood as erectile dysfunction. In this article, we will discuss the most common causes for erectile dysfunction.

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Both Psychological and Physical Causes

Recent research has shown that psychologically-caused impotence is much less common. Many causes can play a part at the same moment and strengthen each other. This is illustrated by high blood pressure and overweight, which are two possible causes for impotence.

It can be seen that younger men are more affected by psychological triggers than older men. However, the physical causes slowly increase in older people. Alter can be a factor.

Sometimes, erectile dysfunction can be a secondary complication of other diseases.

Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are the most common organic causes. Although they are rare, urogenital malformations (anatomical malformations in the penis) may also be a cause.

Physically induced erectile dysfunction can be characterized by a gradual loss of erectile function that is almost always continuous. This includes the frequency and intensity of nocturnal or sexual erections.

It is quite common to find collagens stored in the corpora Cavernosa, at the expense or disappearing smooth muscles cells in the penis. Alterations in nerve structures may also play a part. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by a decrease in the perfusion of the small penile vessels and pelvic arteries with age.

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Psychological Reasons

Erectile dysfunction that is psychologically caused can often occur suddenly. These problems can often be connected to specific experiences that are confidentially discussed with the person affected.

This is the main reason for sexual fear of failure. It tends to be more common in young, inexperienced men. They worry about the woman they are going to marry and their sexual performance. These fears include not being able satisfy the partner.

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Stress can reduce Desire & Erection

The body produces hormones like norepinephrine and epinephrine when there is stress or anxiety. They constrict blood vessels to signal that an injury, such as a fight, could be imminent. Therefore, it is important to minimize the fear of blood loss.

This also decreases blood supply to the penis, making it impossible for a man to erection properly. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by the release of these hormones. It is possible to treat psychologically-induced erectile dysfunction if the causes are identified.

Risk factors for Impotence

A man’s ability for erection can be affected by his general health, in addition to the obvious causes. It is important to live a healthy lifestyle, and avoid any factors that could impair blood circulation.

It is important that older men pay close attention to their diet, alcohol intake and exercise. This goes beyond erectile function. It also applies to your general well-being.

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